Wednesday, December 30, 2009

i missed you..

♫♫♫♫♫ Iƒ ♫♫♫♫♫
Ω If I never met you , I wouldn't like you Ω

Ω If I didn't like you , I wouldn't love you Ω

Ω If I dudn't love you , I wouldn't miss you Ω

Ω But i did , I do and I always will ΩΩ If loving you is wrong , then I don't want to be right ! Ω

Ω If loving you is a crime. I'd like to be jailedfor my whole life , in your heart Ω

Ω I love you. Like a fat kid loves Vanilla-Ice-Cream ! Ω

If you have 1000 years of age , i just want to have 999 years and 364 days so i never have to live a day without you

7 words from da bottom of my heart to you

"Forever And Always, I Will Love You"

By - Leng Zai kkb ◘◘◘◘

i found my other blog..i guess i really just missed him..he was so kind and sweet..forgivin everytime..and all i did was be emo and hurt him. i want him to smile. i guess all this time..i was just being selfish to myself..i wanted him for be his number1..but..selfish acts lead to sadness and hurt..i really dunno..i always tote he x care abt me wen he scolds me..wen he ignores me..i still believe..dat he cares for me..even if im nt his still his fren..watever he mite hurt..n bring tears..but..i nvr nvr ever..gave up on him..he was da best bro..i could ask for..yet i still caused him so much pain..and i nvr really got to apologize..saying sori..doesnt help..does it? but..i m sori..i really could i show it? i just still selfish..being my self..selfish stupid n naive.. thanks for being shoulder to cry on..i love you..koh..take care..:)